1-Minute Survey Results: Use of Data Systems in U-I Research
UIDP recently fielded a one-minute, informal member survey to learn about the current use of data aggregation and analysis systems. We wanted to know what systems are currently being used and how members are using them.
Of the 122 individuals responding, more than half (52.46%) are currently using a data aggregation and analysis system to profile and better understand academic and research capabilities. Additional findings:
Other tools being used:
- Business Intelligence
- Dependex
- Dimensions
- Foundation Directory Online
- Global Data
- In-Part
- Ohio Innovation Exchange
- Pivot
- SalesForce
- Scopus
How else are these tools being used?
- Assessing individual, departmental, and institutional research strengths
- General monitoring of relevant topic
- Aggregated information about IP and publications associated with specific parties
- Integrating with the organization’s own data
- Side-by-side comparisons; competitive intelligence
- Faculty awards and recognition
- Shareable research equipment and services, patents, etc.
- IP management
- Identifying internal research expertise for collaboration
About the survey
Survey fielded April 13–17 to UIDP membership. n=122