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UIDP Active Projects

UIDP Projects are activities that address a specific challenge or need affecting U-I partnerships and collaboration.

At UIDP, we identify challenges and crowd source solutions through our Project Process. Projects are both strategic and tactical in nature. UIDP Projects provide insights and approaches to support successful university-industry engagement in several areas. Click here to download a one-page overview of our projects and publications. Interested in our project process? Watch the video.


Contracting • Partnership Management & Research Administration •

Government Engagement & Economic Development • Workforce Development & Student Engagement


UIDP members are invited to propose new projects and to participate in existing projects. Any employee of a UIDP member organization is welcome to participate in UIDP projects. Want to engage by supporting a project? Learn about Project Accelerator Awards.


For member organizations seeking direct and confidential project-related services, UIDP can coordinate a consulting team in areas that align with our mission and goals. For more information, contact us at


Phase 0


Phase I


Phase II


Phase III


PhaseTitle / Description

Benchmarking Industry Investment in Universities

This project seeks to collect, anonymize, and disseminate information on industry investment in R&D at universities so that UIDP members can use the information to make related actionable decisions.


How Company Policies Apply to Different Types of Students

Developing a matrix of different types of students and the company policies that apply to them.


Innovation Ecosystems

Identifying the key contributors to a successful innovation ecosystem and the roles and contributions of each key contributor.


Federal Flow Downs

A revision of the 2013 reference guide that aims to increase awareness and clarity of government flow-down clauses that are problematic for subcontractors during negotiations and to provide strategies for dealing with them.


Strategic Partnerships

A publication on how to identify strategic partners, the benefits of a strategic relationship over a transactional one, strategies for growing partnerships, and strategies for maintaining or building strategic partnerships (including strategic roadmapping and methods for bolstering internal collaboration).


Strategically Incorporating Companies into Government Supported Projects

Explore the myriad of ways that companies can be involved in government funded research projects.


Jointly Funded PhDs

Identifications of key considerations for a pilot program similar to the CASE Studentship program in the UK.


Strategies for Managing Confidential Information

Guidance on how to ensure that confidential information is identified, communicated, and protected in an appropriate way.


University Personnel Working at Company Sites

Considerations for university personnel co-locating on industry campuses


Partnership Continuum: Types of Partnerships

A publication on how to identify strategic partners, the benefits of a strategic relationship over a transactional one, strategies for growing partnerships, and strategies for maintaining or building strategic partnerships (including strategic roadmapping and methods for bolstering internal collaboration).


HBCU Engagement

Guidance on how to best engage and build mutually beneficial relationships with HBCUs


Recurring Government Funding Opportunities

Developing a list of recurring government funding opportunities that support U-I engagement


Students & Contracting Issues

A quick reference for legal and policy driven expectations around student involvement in industry sponsored collaborations.


VIDEO: Five Ways to Nail Industry Presentations

2-minute video leverages humor and industry insight to highlight the potential pitfalls and positive practices for maximizing presentations to industry.


Collaboration Metrics Quick Guide

A menu of metrics that industry and universities can use to evaluate their U-I partnerships, plus how to use them.


Hosting Virtual Internships

Insight from members that converted internships to a virtual format and the value proposition and best practices for virtual internships.


Intellectual Property Quick Guide

Greater understanding of key elements of IP and how it might relate to negotiations


Precompetitive IP & Consortia

An overview of the motives, benefits, challenges of participating in precompetitive research consortia and the associated IP considerations and approaches


UIDP COVID-19 Response Discussions

How companies and universities adapted and how the pandemic changed the partnership landscape.


Virtual U-I Visits

Identifying techniques for capitalizing on the advantages of online U-I collaborative meetings while mitigating the challenges of not meeting in person


Industry Postdoc Programs

This project will create a quick guide that describes the various issues associated with establishing and operating a high performing industry based postdoctoral program.


Avenues for Engagement: Ways that Companies Invest in Universities

Identifying the avenues for companies to engage with universities and key considerations to make


Academic Research Engagement Teams (ARET)

Exploring the structure and function of the academic facing portion of a corporate research organization


Partnership Continuum

Identifying the mechanisms by which universities and industry can partner with each other to advance their interests. A critical assessment of this continuum of partnership possibilities will assist others in facilitating future partnerships.


Joint Faculty Employment Between Companies and Universities

Explores key issues around the emerging trend of university faculty simultaneously being university and company employees.


Corporate Affiliate Programs List

View a sortable list of Corporate Affiliate Programs at UIDP member universities, add your CAP to the list, and download guidance on setting up, joining, and managing a CAP.


Communicating University Research Strengths to Industry Partners

Guidance on how university faculty and staff can proactively present research capabilities to prospective industry partners.


Leveraging Alumni Networks Guide: Modalities for Strengthening U-I Partnerships

Illuminating how to alumni relationship can bolster U-I collaborations and play a role in overall partnerships.


Upfront IP

Exploring the benefits and limitations of conducting new contracting models with industry partners.


NDA/CDA 101: The Basics of Non-disclosure and Confidential Disclosure Agreements

The introductory information provided in this document is intended to be shared with academic and industry researchers who may not know when an NDA is necessary or what type of information may need to be protected by a confidentiality agreement. Guidance for a more advanced audience on strategies for the management of confidential information is forthcoming.


Joint Solicitations: Industry Investments in Government-Issued Calls for Research Proposals

Research solicitations jointly funded by companies and government agencies


Innovation Centers

Developing a catalog of the types of innovation centers that exist and explaining the different types.


Master Research Agreements

Examining how master research agreements help companies and universities to deepen their strategic relationships and identifying the key elements that make Master Research Agreements successful.


Clinical Trials Terminology Glossary

Developing a standardized publicly accessible set of definitions for clinical trials terminology. The working group is also continuing its partnership with the CTSA CTA Working Group to develop a CRO version of the ACTA & ACDA. View the finalized ACTA and the organizations who have accepted it here.


Contract Accords

Tackling significant issues affecting university-industry sponsored research agreements and developing practical guidance and detailed reference material to help universities and companies address challenges in negotiating sponsored research agreements.


National Lab Project

Aggregating information on the mechanics of contracting with national laboratories in the context of a CRADA. Analyzing publication and patent data to better understand effective partnerships with national labs.


Partnership Showcase

Tapping into UIDP members’ real-world insight and experience to showcase examples of high-value, high-return partnerships with the goal of inspiring new, successful U-I collaborations.


Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement (ACTA)

A standardized agreement for industry-sponsored, multi-site clinical trial studies, intended to reduce contracting delays. Developed in collaboration with Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) institutions. Click here to read publicly accessible information on this project.


Corporate Request for Proposals

A guide that identifies strategic approaches to help companies develop requests for proposals (RFPs) that target academic institutions and experts who meet specific research and development and commercialization needs.


Federal Flow-down Reference Guide

Strategies for understanding and dealing with government flow-down clauses between a prime contractor and its subcontractors.


Principled Partnerships: Reframing Conflict of Interest

A quick guide to help interested parties develop clear understanding about the importance of U-I research partnerships and how potential financial conflicts can be effectively addressed and managed.


Researcher Collaborative Visits Quick Guide

A guide that identifies the benefits, challenges and issues that must be addressed in order to provide maximal value to both parties engaged with researcher collaborative visits.


Researcher Guidebook + Quick Guide

A practical handbook to help active industrial and institutional researchers work together more effectively. The Quick Guide provides academic and industrial perspectives on key issues discussed at length in The Researcher Guidebook.


University Business Advising

A guide to University Business Advising (UBA), including practical steps and real-world examples of how to create or improve UBA programs in your workplace.


Careers in Industry

Developing resources to assist university students in exploring and considering career opportunities in industry.


Effective Practices for Strong U-I Partnerships

Identifying the top characteristics, features, and practices that make companies and universities easy to work with.


Co-Locating Industry on University Campuses

Reviewing current practices of companies co-locating staff on university campuses, with the goal of articulating the advantages, drawbacks, risk and benefits of academic institutions providing on-campus physical space to corporate entities.


Communicating Research Collaborations

Developing quick reference and in-depth resources for researchers to use when communicating university-industry research collaborations and their results.


Industry-Sponsored Undergraduate Capstone Projects

Examining the key elements of undergraduate capstone projects funded by industry.


PhD Student Internships in Industry

Understanding how companies and universities can integrate industry work experience into graduate education.


University-Industry Visits: Maximizing the Outcomes

Identifying key issues to consider when planning and implementing strategic U-I visits.


Maximizing the Benefits of Advisory Boards

Considering best practices for establishing university-industry advisory boards.


Public Dedication of Intellectual Property

Providing an alternative approach for managing foreground intellectual property generated from industry sponsored research agreements.


Corporate Affiliate Programs Guide

Determining best practices for establishing and sustaining corporate affiliate programs at universities


E-Magazine | U-I Connector Career Paths: Crossing Sectors, Creating Impact

In this emagazine, you’ll learn from survey results and from veterans of career transitions about the common threads of working in partnership roles across sectors.


Industry Days Quick Guide

Key Issues to consider for the planning, implementation, and follow-up needed for high impact industry days


Government Funding for U-I Collaborations Guide

Proposes a new approach to the identification of and application for government funding for joint research endeavors.


Insights for Researchers Learning Path

A comprehensive resource for academic and industry researchers on various aspects of U-I collaboration including motives, ways to collaborate, confidentiality, IP, and more.


Comparing Internal Structures

Understanding how companies and universities are structured to work together including common approaches, roles, and responsibilities.


Networking with a Purpose: The Basics of Facilitated Serendipity

How to encourage serendipity in U-I collaboration and the role ‘connectors’ play in identifying collaborative opportunities.

Upcoming UIDP Webinars