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Contract Accords 1-10

Contract Accord 6: Foreground Intellectual Property (FIP)

This video addresses the perspective of the parties about potentially patentable Foreground Intellectual Property (FIP), the nature of FIP clauses, general expectations, common approaches and variations of these provisions in […]

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Contract Accords 1-10

Contract Accord 5: Background Intellectual Property (BIP)

This video reviews expectations and perspectives of universities and industry sponsors with respect to background intellectual property (BIP). The presenter discusses when and how to include BIP clauses to mitigate […]

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Contract Accords 1-10

Contract Accord 4: Other Research Results (ORR)

This video covers Contract Accord 4: Other Research Results (ORR). Sponsored research produces results in a variety of forms. Other Research Results (ORR) include tangible (TORR) and intangible (IORR) results […]

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Contract Accords 1-10

Contract Accord 3: Publications

Mutually agreeable treatment of confidential information and publication in industry sponsored research agreements requires that the parties have a clear understanding of the research project and a good working relationship […]

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Intellectual Property Quick Guide

Greater understanding of key elements of IP and how it might relate to negotiations