Contract Accord 16: Software
Accord Revision Date: October 2019 Page Updated: January 2020 ©2020 University-Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP). Please refer to the copyright and disclosure statement for UIDP Contract Accords usage and rights. […]
Current Data Use and Access Issue (2019)
Negotiation of research agreements is an integral aspect of University-Industry partnerships. Successful research agreements ensure that the interests and needs of both parties are accommodated.
Confidentiality & Publications (2019)
Negotiation of research agreements is an integral aspect of University-Industry partnerships. Successful research agreements ensure that the interests and needs of both parties are accommodated.
Software Related Terms (2019)
Negotiation of research agreements is an integral aspect of U-I partnerships. This webinar provided basic information to ensure that the needs of both parties are met regarding background intellectual property, foreground intellectual property, software/copyrights, and other research results.
Contracting Basics II (2019)
Negotiation of research agreements is an integral aspect of U-I partnerships. This webinar provided basic information to ensure that the needs of both parties are met regarding background intellectual property, foreground intellectual property, software/copyrights, and other research results.
Contract Accord 8: Copyrights and Software
This video explores the importance of making clear differentiation in industry sponsored research agreements between clauses governing copyrightable works (works of authorship) from those governing patentable works (inventive works) and […]
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