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UIDP Contributes to CSTI Report on University-Industry Partnerships


Last year, the UIDP’s President, Tony Boccanfuso, was in Cambridge, England to share his insights on university-industry (U-I) collaboration in North America and around the world.

The UIDP partnered with the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (CSTI) at the University of Cambridge, UK-based PraxisUnico and the UK government’s Science and Innovation Network to put on a workshop focused on identifying opportunities to improve strategic University-Industry (U-I) partnerships.

Earlier this year, the CSTI report – Building Long Term Strategic University-Industry Partnerships: Lessons and Effective Practices from UK and US Experiences, was published, presenting the experiences, insights and best practices of workshop participants.

The workshop brought together the collective experiences of, and insights from, more than 70 senior thought leaders from leading UK & US universities, large research intensive multinational firms and UK & US government agencies to develop the insights presented in this report. Participants included five of the global top ten universities; firms with a combined R&D spending of £16 billion across a range of sectors including aerospace and defence, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, ICT and consumer goods; and key primary national research and university funding agencies in the US and UK. The firms involved have long histories of working with US and UK universities and developing major strategic partnerships. The discussions frequently identified lessons and practices seen as to be applicable to building strategic partnerships in both the UK and US.

The report includes information on:

  • The nature of the value proposition and potential downsides;
  • Initiating, nurturing and managing strategic partnerships;
  • Building resilience and dealing with disruption and change;
  • Roles for government agencies; and
  • Key challenges moving forward.

Learn More

Read the summary report of Building Long Term Strategic University-Industry Partnerships: Lessons and Effective Practices from UK and US Experiences and register here to download the full report.