Seattle Area Reception
A dinner reception for members and invited guests on August 10th in downtown Seattle, WA. This is a great opportunity for fellowship and networking with U-I leaders in the Seattle area. This is an invitation-only event.
UIDP Triple Helix Days
MD, United StatesU.S. federal government program officers will discuss recurring U-I funding opportunities and interact with attendees in networking sessions
UIDP Member Thirsty Thursday Networking | Joint Faculty Employment
MD, United StatesWe'll kick off the conversation with a quick discussion starter led by UIDP member representative, Ed Lazowska, from the University of Washington but this networking time is all yours. So drop in, grab a seat, and enjoy Thirsty Thursdays with UIDP.
UIDP Member Thirsty Thursday Networking | Contemporary Contracting Issues
MD, United StatesSophia Herbert-Peterson, GA Tech and Kandis Stubblefield, BD Biosciences will start the discussion, but this networking time is all yours. So drop in, grab a seat, and enjoy.
UIDPVirtual 2021
MD, United StatesUIDPVirtual 2021 will feature an agenda packed with curated topics presented by an outstanding set of international thought leaders and academic and corporate practitioners in the research partnership space.
UIDP Member Thirsty Thursday Networking | MIT Catalyst: Structuring the University to Engage Companies
MD, United StatesLesley Millar-Nicholson, MIT will begin the networking session. This session is scheduled to accommodate our global member representatives, but all members are welcome to attend! So drop in, grab a seat, and enjoy Thirsty Thursdays with UIDP.
UIDP Member Thirsty Thursday Networking | Collaboration Metrics: An Industry Perspective
MD, United StatesDeborah Stokes, Dell will begin the networking session with a discussion about collaboration metrics from an industry perspective.
The UCL Industry Exchange Network (IXN) – Student Projects with Industry
MD, United StatesUniversity College London (UCL) Department of Computer Science Industry Exchange Network simultaneously enables low-risk, early R&D innovation, boosting both the industry technology pipeline and the talent pipeline by providing a great pre-hiring opportunity.
UIDPConnect 2021
MD, United StatesUIDPConnect 2021 will feature an agenda packed with curated topics presented by an outstanding set of international thought leaders and academic and corporate practitioners in the research partnership space.
Center for Quantum Technologies: A Proposed Industry-University Cooperative Research Center
Presenters will talk about the mission of the Center for Quantum Technologies (CQT) and key benefits to industry members in joining this Center.