UIDP Releases Two New Publications
Hot off the (digital) presses, we’re pleased to announce the release of two new publications tackling corporate RFPs and master research agreements.
Corporate RFP Quick Guide
We developed the Corporate RFP Quick Guide to help universities and companies increase the value proposition and outcomes of Corporate RFPs. Experience shows that companies with good intentions have developed RFPs less attractive to universities, thereby limiting responses. A number of the UIDP’s corporate members have used a request for proposals (RFP) approach to identify high-performing academic labs and individual experts who can meet their specific research and development (R&D) and commercialization needs. Done well, these Corporate RFPs provide a highly efficient approach for companies to identify, evaluate, and partner with academic institutions.
RFPs broaden industry researchers’ access to the latest ideas from experts in many fields and enhance the ability to recruit the most talented students. Another important factor companies value is the ability to define upfront the terms and conditions under which they will support a university project. Academic institutions (and their researchers) value the opportunity to learn about company interests and compete in an open and objective manner.
NOTE: This publication is only available to UIDP member representatives, who must be registered and signed in to the Members-only section of our website to access the document.
Master Research Agreements Guide
A Master Research Agreement (MRA) can help universities and companies strengthen and broaden their relationship and the primary focus of an MRA is to set forth the terms and conditions for multiple sponsored research projects. The UIDP’s Master Research Agreements Guide (2015) examines the benefits, drawbacks, and key elements of master research agreements and what differentiates them from individual sponsored research agreements in order to support the development of successful strategic U-I relationships.
NOTE: This publication is only available to UIDP member representatives, who must be registered and signed in to the Members-only section of our website to access the document.
The print versions of these publications will be available in time for the Project Summit January 21-22 in Tucson, Arizona. To order copies, email info@uidp.net.