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Clinical Trials

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UIDPVirtual 2021

Wednesday, April 14, 2:45pm ET
Maximizing Outcomes from Clinical Trials: Patient Involvement

To advance patient engagement and patient access further will require collaboration between all stakeholders in the medicine research, development and delivery ecosystem to rethink the way we approach clinical trials. UIDP is uniquely positioned to lead in this space given its focus on areas of need, open discussion, collaboration and getting to outcomes more quickly.

Wednesday, April 14, 4:30pm ET
CROs & Maximizing Site-Sponsor Engagement for Clinical Research

Contract Research Organizations (CROs) play an important role in managing clinical trial relationships between sponsors and sites. This interactive session will highlight the current state of sponsor-CRO-site interactions as well as consider approaches and strategies that can enhance relationships and outcomes.

If you would like to attend the session you chose, you can register for UIDPVirtual using the button below. UIDP also offers institutional access so your entire organization can take advantage of the conference.

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Related Resources


Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement: The goal of this initiative has been to develop an efficient contract for sponsor-initiated multi-site trials. This streamlined process will allow sites to participate in clinical trials earlier in the process without undue delays in contract negotiations.


*Clinical Trials Terminology Glossary: A standardized publicly accessible set of definitions for clinical trials terminology.


*You will be prompted to log in. All employees of UIDP member organizations can register for UIDP member access. If you experience issues logging in, please email