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I/UCRC Program Webinar

Learn about the NSF’s Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC) Program.

The National Science Foundation’s Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC) Program was initiated in 1973 to develop long-term partnerships among industry, academe, and government. The National Science Foundation (NSF) invests in these partnerships to promote research programs of mutual interest, contribute to the nation’s research infrastructure base, enhance the intellectual capacity of the engineering or science workforce through the integration of research and education, and facilitate technology transfer. There are currently over 65 I/UCRCs consisting of over 180 university sites and over 1200 industry members.

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Copyright © 2025 by University Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP)

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Upcoming Deadline and Target Date

This webinar is timely since the program has upcoming deadlines and target dates for new applications.

Preliminary Proposal Deadline Date: April 18, 2018
Full Proposal Target Date: June 20, 2018


André Marshall is an NSF Program Director where he helps manage the I/UCRC program.  Dr. Marshall has been successful in roles as an R&D engineer, an academic, and an entrepreneur.   He joined the faculty of the University of Maryland after developing patented pollution abatement technology for Rolls-Royce as part of the NASA Advanced Subsonic Transport (AST) program.  At the University of Maryland, Dr. Marshall is an Associate Professor in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering and Director of the Fire Testing and Evaluation Center (FireTEC). He received the prestigious NSF Presidential Early CAREER Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for his research on spray characterization and in 2012 established a technology start-up company through the NSF I-Corp program.  His technology is currently being licensed in the fire protection industry to optimize fire sprinkler systems.