NSF’s Partnerships for Innovation Program (2017)
Learn about exciting changes to NSF’s Partnerships for Innovation program.
The Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) program within the Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) offers researchers the opportunity to transform new knowledge into societal benefits through translational research and technology development efforts. This webinar gave an overview of a new PFI opportunity for funding. More information about this funding opportunity can be found here.
 Slide Deck Speakers
Presenter: Prakash Balan – NSF
Moderator: Tony Boccanfuso – UIDP
Dr. Prakash Balan is Program Director at the National Science Foundation with the Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships. He has over 20 years of broad experience spanning R&D, new technology development, and commercialization in both large and small entrepreneurial company environments. He holds 12 US patents, many of which are in full commercial use today. He currently manages a spectrum of NSF industrially focused funding programs that include the Industry University Cooperative Research Centers Program (IUCRC), Grants Opportunity for Academic Liaison with industry Program (GOALI) and the Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) Program, all focused on developing industry-academia collaboration and early stage technology development towards commercialization.
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