UIDP Webinar Recording: Building a Biotechnology Innovation Ecosystem to Mitigate Climate Change | Lessons learned from the Workshop
To slow or reverse the effects of climate change, there is promise in development of biotechnology innovations that enhance the adaptation, resilience, preservation, and restoration of natural and managed ecosystems. This webinar will discuss the key findings of a UIDP workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation that convened researchers to explore the underdeveloped potential for coupling nature-based practices with synthetic biology tools to guide the development and implementation of biotechnological solutions to climate change.
Originally aired,
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
- Morgan Gray, Corteva Agriscience Moderator
- Eric Corey Freed, CannonDesign
- William Joe Sagues, North Carolina State University
- Katie Stebbins, Tuffs University
- Alex Woodley, North Carolina State University