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Welcome to UIDP!

You may use your work email address to connect with your employer’s UIDP membership by registering it here. By doing so, you’ll gain access to services and resources that support your work.

Want to review your UIDP member services in more detail? You are welcome to join UIDP’s membership services manager on an upcoming small-group orientation session. Register for an orientation session on the events calendar.


Four ways to make the most out of UIDP membership

  1. Events: Meet with other professionals from university and industry to address partnering challenges. UIDP events are offered in-person and online, and include workshops, conferences, international meetings, webinars, networking receptions, and other modes of collaboration.
  2. Hands-on problem-solving:UIDP Projects engage small working groups that collaborate virtually and tackle challenges our members face in their day jobs. View UIDP Project topics here.
  3. Best practice guidance and resources: The Members-Only Resource Center is a virtual library of best practices around university-industry collaboration. To get a sense of the tools we offer, you may view and use our Research Guidebook—providing practical knowledge for researchers from industry and university so they may work together more efficiently. Resources include:
    • Podcasts
    • Recorded webinars
    • Published project materials (best practice guidance around U-I collaboration)
    • Survey results
    • Member Directory search and networkYou can use this tool to private message other UIDP member representatives.
    • Complimentary news subscriptionThe University-Industry Engagement Advisor newsletter covers best practices involving U-I collaboration and more.
  1. Custom, timely support: UIDP mobilizes to meet its members’ specific needs by convening the right set of professionals in the appropriate setting to consider topics or partnering challenges you face. Common modalities include: