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Contract Accords 1-10

Contract Accord 3: Publications

Mutually agreeable treatment of confidential information and publication in industry sponsored research agreements requires that the parties have a clear understanding of the research project and a good working relationship […]

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Contract Accords 1-10

Contract Accord 2: Liability, Indemnification, and Warranties

This video explains various ways to address liability in industry sponsored research agreements and how these provisions can coordinate with the nature of the project, the expected outcomes and intended […]

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Contract Accords 1-10

Contract Accord 1: Statement of Work

The statement of Work (SoW) is an integral part of the sponsored research agreement. the SoW should define the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the project effort, […]

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Contract Accords 1-10

Contract Accord 0: Fair Dealing

This video covers the general principles of Contract Accord 0: Fair Dealing. The presenter is Paul Lowe, Kansas State University. About the UIDP Academy Contract Accords Video Series The UIDP’s […]

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Master Research Agreements Guide

Master Research Agreements Guide

The Master Research Agreements Guide outlines the key elements and considerations of MRAs, including the benefits and drawbacks of pursuing this type of agreement.


Corporate RFP Quick Guide

The UIDP has developed a Corporate RFP Quick Guide to help universities and companies increase the value proposition and outcomes of Corporate RFPs.


Commodities Roundtable Workshop Report (2015)

Academic and commodity groups discussed effective research contracting strategies., arriving at Guiding Principles to advance collaborations.


University Business Advising (UBA)

Put UBA to work for you, using experience and insight from Deere and Company and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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The UIDP Perspectives Series

UIDP Perspectives Series

A series of fact sheets on topical issues challenging U-I collaboration, with context and insight on the issue from both industry and university perspectives.

National Lab Quick Guide

Maximizing U-I Engagement with DOE National Labs Quick Guide (2014)

This Quick Guide provides greater illumination on DOE Labs, and illustrates how UIDP members can engage these labs to advance their mission.