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UIDP Survey | Use of Commercial Feasibility Reports to Justify Research Funding

Some companies require a commercial feasibility report prior to a new R&D project. UIDP was interested in learning about industry best practices for when and how to use these reports. [...] READ MORE
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UIDP Survey | Perception of Industry Engagement in Universities 2020-2021

In the COVID-19 environment, UIDP was interested to learn about our members’ perception of university-industry research relationship investment anticipated for the next academic year. Will it increase, decrease, or remain […]

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UIDP Survey | What tools do universities use to search for federal grant opportunities?

The need to more rapidly and efficiently search for federal grants has become paramount for universities. Grant searching tools which incorporate machine learning to automatically search for federal grants (by […]

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UIDP Survey | Industry perspective on COVID-19; research top priority for academic engagement

UIDP recently fielded two surveys with our industry members that produced important takeaways for universities as they pursue research partnerships. The first survey (fielded April 27-30) polled industry about preference […]

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UIDP Survey | Use of Data Systems in U-I Research

UIDP recently fielded a one-minute, informal member survey to learn about the current use of data aggregation and analysis systems. We wanted to know what systems are currently being used […]

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UIDP Survey | 2020 Summer Internship/Co-op Programs

Among both U.S. and international companies and research universities, student internship and co-op programs this summer are very much still a “go.” Two recent UIDP membership surveys confirm it. An […]

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UIDP Survey | Employing Post-Doctoral Researchers in Industry

UIDP recently fielded a one-minute survey with our industry members about employing post-doctoral researchers: how common are industry-based programs dedicated to this practice? While most of our 22 respondents said […]