Pharmacodynamics (Study)
A study of the uptake, movement, binding, and interactions of a drug at its active site in the body. (Pfizer)
READ MOREPersonal Data
Data which relate to a living person who can be identified from the data and other information that could potentially identify that person. It may be of a financial or […]
READ MOREParticipant Flow
A summary of the progress of participants through each stage of a clinical study, by study arm. This includes the number of participants who started, completed, and dropped out of […]
READ MOREParallel Group/Parallel Design
Clinical study design in which subjects are randomly assigned to two or more groups, each of which receives different treatments or different dose levels of a drug concurrently. (Pfizer)
READ MOREOutcomes-Measure/Research
The investigation of the impact of prevention/treatment on patient’s clinical, economic and patient-reported outcomes using a broad range of research disciplines and research designs. (Pfizer)
READ MOREOff Label Use
Use of a drug or device in a manner that is not included in the package insert.
Studies in which all clinical trial personnel and subjects are informed as to the identity of the drug being investigated. (Pfizer)
READ MOREOther Study ID Numbers
Identification numbers assigned to the clinical study protocol by the sponsor, funders, or others. These include unique identifiers from other registries and National Institutes of Health grant numbers. (See also […]
READ MOREOther Adverse Event
An adverse event that is not a serious adverse event. (See also Adverse Events basic results data element on
READ MOREOpen Studies
Studies that are currently recruiting participants, will be recruiting participants in the future, or involve drugs that are available for expanded access. Recruitment statuses for open studies appear in green […]