Unknown Recruitment Status
A clinical study in ClinicalTrials.gov with a status of Recruiting; Not yet recruiting; or Active, not recruiting and whose status has not been confirmed within the past 2 years. Studies […]
A Type II error (also known as a false-negative error) is committed when a real effect is not detected between groups, when in fact it is present. (Pfizer)
A Type I error (also known as a false-positive error) is committed when a statistical difference between groups is declared when in fact there is none. (Pfizer)
READ MORETrial Initiation Visit
Finalize the preparation of a study in the form of a meeting that all study staff may attend. (Pfizer)
READ MORETrial Design
Features of the clinical trial that are included in the protocol, e.g.: Number of subjects to be enrolled (planned number or event-dependent, e.g., number of deaths) Controls (placebo, active) included […]
READ MORETreatment Period
Time during which the subject receives a study treatment, whether experimental or control. (Pfizer)
READ MOREStudy Title Acronym
The acronym or initials used to identify a clinical study, if provided. For example, the title acronym for the Women’s Health Initiative is “WHI”. (See also Acronym data element on […]
READ MORETime Frame for Outcome Measures
The points in time at which the outcome measure is assessed. These are planned before the clinical study starts and listed in the protocol. (See also Primary and Secondary Outcome […]
READ MORETermination
The clinical study has stopped recruiting or enrolling participants early and will not start again. Participants are no longer being examined or treated. A type of Recruitment Status.