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Contract Accord 0: Preamble – Good Faith in Fair Dealing

Accord Revision Date: October 2012
Page Updated: January 2020
©2020 University-Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP). Please refer to the copyright and disclosure statement for UIDP Contract Accords usage and rights.

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1. Industry funding of university research is provided for the purposes of corporate responsibility, developing commercial applications, or gaining a commercial advantage. The Company needs to pursue its business model, and the results of the research presumably further that goal.

2. Universities engage in industry-related research to provide relevant topics for research and student support, to establish strategic partnerships that leverage university-industry relationships for multiple purposes.

3. The Company has the right to information about the University’s research team relationships that might reasonably appear to affect the Company’s access to the results of the sponsored project.

4. The University needs to inform investigators regarding the Company’s use of rights and access to the results of the research.

5. Universities have a responsibility to confirm that rights, licenses, or other transfers anticipated are allowable within the context of other third-party agreements.

6. Conflicts of interest, real and potential, should be disclosed and reduced, eliminated, or managed. A person from each party should be identified as Principal Investigator (PI) or “project champion” and is responsible for establishing effective and consistent communications with respect to the technical aspects of the sponsored research agreement (SRA).

7. A person from each party should be designated the responsibility of establishing effective and consistent communications with respect to the administrative aspects of the SRA.

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