UIDP Survey | 2020 Summer Internship/Co-op Programs
Among both U.S. and international companies and research universities, student internship and co-op programs this summer are very much still a “go.” Two recent UIDP membership surveys confirm it.
An informal quick poll two weeks ago found that 86% of UIDP industry respondents said they plan to continue their internship programs this summer. Of those, 63% will manage them virtually (see results). High member interest to hear directly from industry on this topic sparked a May 6, 2020 webinar featuring presenters from Lockheed Martin, VMware, and Lam Research.
We wanted to hear from our university members about their plans and approaches as well. Last week, an informal survey of our university members found that 83% are keeping their internship/co-op programs going in 2020, although many are transitioning from in-person to virtual and hybrid models. In their comments, several respondents said they’re following the lead of their industry partners in these programs. See survey results.
Below are key findings from that survey:
A Wall Street Journal article cites a poll that closely aligns with our findings. While that article focuses on the proportion of students losing out on an internship this summer, our findings underscore the overwhelming commitment within our membership to find new ways to uphold their commitment to keeping the talent pipeline open and vibrant.