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UIDP Copyright & Disclaimer

UIDP materials, which include publications, webinars, videos, and presentations, reflect an amalgamation of the experiences and knowledge of those who participate in UIDP activities. The views and opinions expressed in UIDP materials do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any individual organization or the UIDP. At no time should any UIDP materials be used as a replacement for an individual organization’s policy, procedures, or legal counsel.

All rights reserved. This member-created publication is intended for use by UIDP MEMBERS ONLY. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of UIDP. To view the written permission granted to member organizations, go to

Additional written permission may be granted to members, nonmembers, and/or participants in certain UIDP events. Additional permissions can be found in the UIDP materials to which they pertain.

For permission requests, write to UIDP at: 6156 St. Andrews Road, Suite 207, Columbia, SC 29212.

Copyright © 2024 by University Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP)


Publication Use Policy

PDF versions of all UIDP publications are available for members to download in the member section of the webpage.  Members may request reasonable numbers of complimentary hard copies (subject to availability) by emailing Non-members can obtain select UIDP publications by attending one of our general meetings or by going to the Resource Library section of our webpage,

UIDP members may distribute publications within their organizations and may share said publications with their collaborators for internal, non-commercial use only. The content of UIDP publications may not be modified. However, UIDP members may incorporate UIDP publications (without change) into member specific publications for internal, non-commercial use only. Prior to citing or including UIDP publications in customized publications, please notify UIDP by emailing

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