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Upcoming Innovation Ecosystem & Government Engagement Projects

With the passage of the CHIPS & Science Act in the US and comparable research investments in Europe, an emphasis has been placed on building regional innovation ecosystems. Increasingly UIDP member organizations are being asked to form teams that will spur place-based innovation. So, UIDP is launching a set of related projects to support members who are looking to build or to join regional innovation-focused initiatives including but not limited to NSF Engines, EDA Tech Hubs, or NIST Manufacturing USA Institutes.

Key Players, Roles, & Responsibilities

The purpose of this UIDP project is to identify the key players in innovation ecosystems (such as R1 research institutions, HBCUs, community colleges, startups, community groups, large companies, economic development offices, etc.) and to identify a set of roles and responsibilities that can reasonably be requested from each key player.

Matchmaking for Place-Based Innovation

The purpose of this UIDP project is to explore different approaches for identifying and building meaningful partnerships with the different organizations that make up an innovation ecosystem. This project will take matchmaking approaches used for developing consortia or individual U-I partnerships and will apply those approaches to the concept of building regional or place-based innovation ecosystems. The outcome will explain the university and industry perspectives on the approaches presented and will apply them to contemporary partnering needs such as those found in the NSF Engines or EDA Tech Hubs programs.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Pursuing Government Funding

This quick guide will provide a concise overview of the reasons that companies opt to participate in national government funded research projects and the reasons that companies choose to avoid them. University members will be asked to share their views on the requirements and expectations that companies should be aware of before joining a university-led application for government funding. Meanwhile, company members are invited to share their concerns or questions about participation in government funded initiatives.

Upcoming UIDP Webinars

  • 8/7/24
    UIDP Webinar: Bayer's B4U Program

    Learn more about a global one-on-one mentoring program that engages university partners and contributes to the development of the next generation of scientists by offering participating students soft-skill coaching and career-development advice. Open to UIDP member and nonmember representatives.

  • 8/15/24
    UIDP Webinar: Engaging with DARPAConnect

    Learn more about DARPAConnect initiatives and how to engage with the program. Open to UIDP member and nonmember representatives.