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Who benefits from Institutional Membership?

The UIDP offers institutional membership to help organizations extract more value from their collaborative relationships.

Open the door to innovation across the partnership continuum by connecting representatives from all 7 departments to participate with UIDP.

Connect representatives across departments with membership opportunities:

Contracting and Sponsored Research

The UIDP membership comprises individuals with significant academic and corporate contracting experience. The UIDP host’s dedicated activities to address contemporary approaches to U-I contracting and have developed a repository of knowledge member representatives use to advance their work in U-I collaboration. Learn more about the UIDP Contracts Accord Project here.

Corporate/Academic Foundation Relations

Corporate, Academic and Foundation relations officers from renown academic institutions and many of the world’s great innovation companies participate in the UIDP as member representatives. The UIDP convenes two Conferences annually and additional events and activities throughout the year where representatives from both sectors convene to discuss issues related to U-I collaboration. By attending events and participating in UIDP Projects, corporate, academic and foundation relations officers engage with peers as well as those from industry who are dedicated to maintaining or growing strong university partnerships.

 Economic Development

Company and university economic development representatives recognize the role that university-industry partnerships play in advancing their mission. For university representatives, their ability to support local economic development is tied to advancing the entire innovation ecosystem and large corporate partners are key players.  For companies, universities are important to meeting workforce needs and creating a healthy economic environment for companies to grow and flourish.

IP and Technology Commercialization

Intellectual Property is a significant factor in almost all academic-corporate partnerships. Through the UIDP project portfolio, the UIDP evaluates how IP management affects issues such as sponsored research, co-location of academic and industry researchers, student-supported projects, and other types of collaborations. Learn more about UIDP Projects here.

Research Leadership

Research Leadership from both university and industry sectors participate in the UIDP to advance their overall engagement activities along the entire partnership continuum. Through their organization’s institutional UIDP membership, these individuals can propose new initiatives for adoption through the UIDP process. In addition, they can access and use UIDP Resources that contain practical knowledge on issues relevant to their roles and responsibilities. The UIDP creates a unique atmosphere during conferences, events and online engagement communities where representatives can connect with peers and counterparts to discuss and find solutions to shared challenges and issues they face in their day-to-day work.

Scientist or Researcher

Research is at the forefront of U-I Collaborations. Scientists and Researchers at UIDP member institutions engage with the UIDP to use Resources designed to help them communicate their research with prospective partners and use the partnership knowledge and network to form high-level partnerships for their organization to extract more value for from collaborative relationships. In addition to offering a repository of resources and knowledge, the UIDP convenes two Conferences annually and additional events and activities throughout the year where representatives from both sectors convene to discuss issues related to U-I collaboration.

Workforce Development

One of the greatest motivation for companies to partner with universities is to recruit talent.  The UIDP provides an attractive environment for corporate recruiters and university career service professionals to consider contemporary issues and approaches to advancing student recruitment and meet with others responsible for talent acquisition and development.