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Contract Accords Promo Video

Contract Accords: University-Industry Contracting Essentials

The UIDP developed its Contract Accords to build understanding about contentious issues in university-industry sponsored research contracts. Each accord identifies a common area of disagreement in U-I sponsored research contracts […]

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About UIDP Animation

About UIDP (2017)

Watch our new About UIDP animation to learn how membership in UIDP helps companies and academic institutions maximize their existing research partnerships, build new networks and opportunities for future collaborations, and remove barriers to joint research-project success.

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University Research Metrics: a real-world case study for Harris Corporation (2016)

Tom Wells from Harris Space and Intelligence Systems (SIS) presents a metrics case study, examining how Harris is tracking the impact and value of their collaborations using tools developed as […]


K-State and Monsanto: Collaboration in Action

Wheat breeding is an excellent example of a field that has moved forward because of the success of public-private partnerships. This video, produced by K-State and Monsanto is part of a series showcasing UIDP member organizations’ U-I collaboration successes.

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About UIDP

Learn from member representatives about the UIDP and the benefits of membership.

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KSU Students in Conversation about Industry Careers

The UIDP’s Tony Boccanfuso talks with Kansas State University students and early-career professionals about their experiences moving towards and into industry careers.

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How Industry Works with MIT

Sustained industry partnerships depend on listening to the corporate partners and designing a holistic response to communicate the value as well as maximize the efficiency of the partnership. In this video, Todd Glickman shares MIT’s structure and approach to maximizing industry engagement.

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Contracting and Administrative Issues

Jilda Garton (Georgia Tech) and Dennis Fortner (Northrop Grumman) cover typical contractual stumbling blocks in negotiating research agreements, comparing and contrasting academic and industry perspectives and sharing standard approaches for tackling contracting and administrative issues like F&A, budgeting, managing project scope, timelines and expectations.

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Building Innovation Ecosystems

Building innovation ecosystems will not only address today’s challenges but also position us for sustainable economic competitiveness in the future. In this video, Grace Wang (NSF) discusses the key components of innovation ecosystems and shares her perspective on government’s role in building and expanding these ecosystems.

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Developing a Strategy to Engage with Corporations

Debbie Radasch (Boeing) describes how universities can develop strategies to engage with industry, explaining the motives for industry partnerships with academia, how industry searches for partners, and the importance of defining expectations.

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