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How to Select Industry Partners

Partnering with Industry: Best Practices Module (Page 24)

Transcript of Interview with Anantha Shekhar, MD, PhD, Associate Vice President of Research for University Clinical Affairs, Indiana University School of Medicine

I’ll start with the junior graduate, whether it’s a PhD or an MD, who wants to work with industry. I think working with industry can be very gratifying if you go in with the idea that you are not only going to have a good standard of life, but you actually are going to be doing something about a problem. So you have to have obviously the financial and other kind of stability of an industry, but also a higher purpose that you think you’re serving by being part of that company, and if that value that you hold within yourself meshes well with the industry that you’re going to work with, then I think you will have a very satisfied kind of career. If on the other hand you’re just joining for the money, and don’t particularly believe in the mission of the organization, that’s not going to be a good mix at all, and the student will be very frustrated and very disappointed by that experience.

View video here.

This interview is part of the UIDP module, Partnering with Industry: Best Practices. Download the entire module here: 

Partnering Module PDF

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Copyright © 2024 by University Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP)


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Download the first module in this series, Compliance, here: 

Compliance Module PDF

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Copyright © 2024 by University Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP)


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