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Tax Exempt Bonds

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UIDPVirtual 2021

Thursday, April 15, 3:15pm ET
Tax Exempt Bonds & Research Contracts

Bond financing: What to know and what’s new. Explore when, why, and how tax-exempt bond financing of research facilities can have an impact on the terms and conditions of research agreements. This session will discuss the safe harbors that allow academic and industry research engagement to proceed and look at emerging topics in bond financing.


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Related Resources



UIDP Contract Accords: Each Accord identifies a common area that requires clarity and forethought in U-I sponsored research contracts. The Accords provide practical guidance and insight into how parties can address topics in mutually beneficial ways.




*Public Dedication of Intellectual Property
This Quick Guide elaborates on the key issues from both the company and university perspectives and provides clear guidance for implementation of the public dedication approach.



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