Amping Up: New NSF U-I Research Center to Transform Power Management Electronics (2020)
This webinar will provide an overview of PMIC research and outline PMIC’s operations, including funding, intellectual property, project selection and the Industry Advisory Board.
Collaboration Opportunities in Water Research: How Scientists Can Partner with Baxter (2020)
This webinar shares how to maximize the value of Intellectual Property (IP) via broad and deep patent strategies.
UIDPVirtual 2020
Online via webinar , United StatesUIDP is transitioning much of the content planned for our March 23-26 Spring conference to a virtual event.
UIDP Academy: Contemporary Contracting Approaches
TX, United StatesThis UIDPVirtual 2020 workshop will provide an overview of alternative contracting approaches and more.
UIDP Academy: Perspectives on Advanced Corporate Affiliate Programs
TX, United StatesThis UIDPVirtual 2020 workshop will consider academic and corporate perspectives.
Webinar: How Companies Approach Academic Research Engagement in these Disruptive Times
MD, United StatesLearn how our industry members, in diverse sectors, are evaluating and reframing their current approaches to academic collaborations.
Webinar: How Companies Approach Academic Research Engagement in these Disruptive Times
MD, United StatesLearn how our industry members, in diverse sectors, are evaluating and reframing their current approaches to academic collaborations.
UIDP Webinar: Student Hiring and Internships During a Time of Uncertainty (2020)
Learn how COVID-19 is affecting ongoing employment, student co-ops, internships, and hiring practices.
UIDP Webinar | Today’s Reality: Universities and Industry Engagement (2020)
Learn how universities are rapidly adapting to the current realities through their corporate partnerships.
Webinar: What’s Next? Industry Research Priorities in the Wake of the Pandemic
MD, United StatesLearn more about the post-COVID research ecosystem: what has changed, and how partnerships must adapt to the shifting landscape.